Cover Band Collection: Graj największe hity na klawiszach marki Roland!


Niezależnie od tego, czy grasz w zespole na przyjęciach weselnych i imprezach, czy po prostu spotykasz się z przyjaciółmi w weekendy, aby muzykować dla przyjemności, nowa i bezpłatna biblioteka Cover Band Collection od Roland daje Ci dostęp do znanych i popularnych brzmień.

Cover Band Collection to bezpłatna biblioteka dźwięków dostępna na platformie Axial Roland dla instrumentów Roland V-Combo VR-09-B i VR-730. Jak informuje producent, znajdziecie w niej dziesiątki gotowych do grania dźwięków, inspirowanych popularnymi piosenkami.

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Kolekcja Cover Band zawiera dźwięki inspirowane następującymi utworami.

  1. In the style of “I’m a Believer” by the Monkees
  2. In the style of “No Woman No Cry” by Bob Marley
  3. In the style of “House of the Rising Sun” by the Animals
  4. In the style of “Green Onions” by Booker T & the MGs
  5. In the style of “Take On Me” by a-ha
  6. In the style of “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)” by Eurythmics
  7. In the style of “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson
  8. In the style of “Video Killed The Radio Star” by the Buggles
  9. In the style of “Axel F” by Harold Faltermeyer
  10. In the style of “Rockit” by Herbie Hancock
  11. In the style of “1999” by Prince
  12. In the style of “Don’t You Want Me Baby?” by The Human League
  13. In the style of “The Final Countdown” by Europe
  14. In the style of “Cars” by Gary Numan
  15. In the style of “New Song” by Howard Jones
  16. In the style of “Sussudio” by Phil Collins
  17. In the style of “Tom Sawyer” by Rush
  18. In the style of “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell
  19. In the style of “Runaway” by Del Shannon
  20. In the style of “I Just Can’t Get Enough” by The Depeche Mode
  21. In the style of “The Way You Make Me Feel” by Michael Jackson
  22. In the style of “Blue Monday” by New Order
  23. In the style of “West End Girls” by the Pet Shop Boys
  24. In the style of “Heart of Glass” by Blondie
  25. In the style of “Runaway” by Bon Jovi
  26. In the style of “The Reflex” by Duran Duran
  27. In the style of “Relax” by Frankie Goes To Hollywood
  28. In the style of “Separate Ways” by Journey
  29. In the style of “Maneater” by Nelly Furtado
  30. In the style of “Don’t You” by Simple Minds
  31. In the style of “Enjoy The Silence” by the Depeche Mode
  32. In the style of “Heartbeats” by The Knife